We are currently not taking on additional students while we service our current scholarship students.

Graduados – 2024

Graduados – 2024

Hooray for Our Amazing Graduates! 🎓

Graduados: Nanci, Annette, Jared, Tania, Rocio, Joel, Adilene, Mariell (not all shown)

We’re overjoyed to celebrate our incredible scholarship students as they embark on new chapters! Whether you’re a college grad ready to conquer the professional world or a high school senior excited to start university, your hard work and dedication have paid off.

We’ve had the privilege of watching you grow and learn, and we’re so proud of everything you’ve accomplished. As you step into this next phase of your life, know that we’re cheering you on every step of the way. Congratulations, Class of 2024! Here’s to bright futures filled with success and happiness.

Student outside activities

Student outside activities

It's not all about school!

Our scholarship students give back to their community.

Scholarships for Higher Education Rural Ensenada, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that gives deserving students an opportunity for a brighter future. We work with incredible students facing tough economic challenges that otherwise might be forced to drop out of school. For nearly three decades, we’ve been providing educational scholarships to outstanding high school and college students in the Maneadero and Punta Banda areas of Ensenada. Our program is not only for young scholars; we have also supported adults who are eager to further their education.

Welcome to our series spotlighting the remarkable achievements of scholarship students from the Punta Banda area! These students go above and beyond their academic pursuits, with many of them actively participating in a wide range of volunteer activities that not only enrich their own lives but also make a significant impact on the community. From attending English classes to participating in beach cleanups, delivering talks on pet care, and organizing spay and neuter clinics, these initiatives help our students develop valuable skills, leadership qualities, and a strong sense of community spirit.

Join us as we explore the inspiring journey of service and self-discovery embarked upon by our dedicated students!

English as a Second Language

Many of our students are actively involved in voluntary English classes, and for good reason! Learning English offers numerous benefits including opening doors to communicate with people from around the world in various contexts such as travel, business, and academia. Proficiency in English expands their job prospects especially as Ensenada is a tourist city, and businesses in general are being more global. Another huge benefit to learning English for these students is that it promotes self-confidence, critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and personal growth, empowering students to embrace new experiences and challenges.

Scholarships for Higher Education Rural Ensenada, Inc., has supported over150 (can we check this? It seems very low for 30 years) students through their school years. This year we are supporting approximately 50 students with financial aid. While high school is free, there are still costs, such as uniforms, administrative fees, school supplies, and transportation, that students need to cover. That’s where our scholarships come in. We award deserving high school students $200 US dollars a year and university students $600 US dollars a year to cover tuition and other school-related expenses. As a volunteer-run operation, we aim to have all funds going straight to the students who need it most.

With your help we can keep changing lives , one scholarship at a time. Ready to make a difference? Let’s do this! Click here to see how you can help.

Litzy DL

Litzy DL

I’m Litzy! I’m currently in my third semester studying Psychology at UABC Ensenada and also a proud member of our university’s Marching Band. Something exciting happened recently—I had the amazing opportunity to compete in Mexico City at the National competition, where our band secured the third-place spot among 22 incredible marching bands from all across Mexico. Music has been a part of my life for eight wonderful years, and I’ve cherished every moment of it. Thanks to my scholarship, I’ve been able to excel academically while still pursuing my deep passion for music.

Investing in Mexico’s Future: Scholarships for Promising Students in Need

Investing in Mexico’s Future: Scholarships for Promising Students in Need


In the heart of every student, there’s a dream waiting to flourish. In Mexico, a nation brimming with talent and potential, many bright minds yearn for the chance to shape their futures through education. Yet, financial barriers often stand in the way of their aspirations. This is where the transformative power of scholarships steps in – not only changing individual lives but also shaping the course of Mexico’s development.

The Long-Term Impact of Education Support:

When we invest in scholarships for promising students in need, we are doing far more than providing financial assistance. We are nurturing the seeds of growth, progress, and change that will reverberate across generations. A strong education equips students with the tools to create opportunities, think critically, and contribute to their communities in meaningful ways.

1. Economic Empowerment:

Education is the cornerstone of economic growth. With access to quality education, students gain the skills necessary to join the workforce, contribute to innovation, and drive Mexico’s economic progress. By supporting their education, we are fostering a generation of leaders who will shape industries, create jobs, and boost the nation’s prosperity.

2. Community Development:

An educated individual is a catalyst for positive change in their community. As scholarship recipients gain knowledge and skills, they become agents of change, addressing local challenges, and improving living standards. This creates a ripple effect that uplifts entire neighborhoods, inspiring others to strive for a brighter future.

3. Social Transformation:

Education is a powerful tool against societal inequalities. Scholarships enable students from diverse backgrounds to access education that would otherwise be beyond their reach. By promoting inclusivity, we are sowing the seeds of social transformation and equality, strengthening the fabric of Mexican society.

4. Leadership and Innovation:

Educated individuals become leaders and innovators. As scholarship recipients rise through the ranks, they bring fresh perspectives and ideas to the table. Their contributions lead to groundbreaking advancements, driving Mexico’s progress in various fields.

A Plea to Make a Difference:

The impact of scholarships is immeasurable, but we need your support to make it a reality. Your investment in education is an investment in Mexico’s future – a future filled with bright minds that will shape a more prosperous, equitable, and thriving nation. We invite you to be a part of this transformative journey.

1. Sponsor a Student:

By sponsoring a student, you’re not just providing financial assistance – you’re igniting a spark that will light up their life and Mexico’s future. Your support will ensure that deserving students receive the education they deserve, breaking barriers and opening doors of opportunity.

2. One-Time Cash Donation:

Even a single contribution can make a world of difference. Your donation, no matter the size, will go towards empowering students to chase their dreams, strengthen communities, and drive Mexico’s progress.


Every investment in education is an investment in Mexico’s potential. By offering scholarships to promising students in need, we are sowing the seeds of a brighter tomorrow. Let’s come together, break down barriers, and build a future where education is accessible to all. Join us in shaping Mexico’s destiny – sponsor a student or make a donation today. Together, we can create a legacy of empowerment, progress, and lasting change.

Jose F.

Jose F.

We are absolutely thrilled to extend our warmest congratulations to the amazing Jose F., our recent graduate who has been a cherished part of Scholarships for Higher Education (S4HE.org) for nearly four years. Jose, your dedication and hard work have truly paid off, and we couldn’t be prouder of your achievements. Keeping a remarkable grade point average of 9.0 or above is no small task, and we admire your commitment to excellence. As you step into this exciting new chapter of your life, know that we are cheering you on wholeheartedly. Your future is bright, and we can’t wait to witness all the wonderful things you’ll accomplish. Congratulations, Jose!

Here is a letter that he presented to us in thanks:


Mr. José F.
Hello, good morning!

My name is Jose F., I am 22 years old, and I belong to a family of 5 people, 3 of them are my brothers, me and the other person is my mother.

3 years and 8 months ago, I entered UTT University, where I did my TSU, my service, my stays, my projects, my other stay, and many more things that cost me some sleepless nights, but I also shared things with friends, I generated happy moments, where I laughed a lot and learned as much as I could. These activities, both good and exhausting and sometimes stressful, taught me endless things, and part of them I happily attribute to this group of people who allowed us to be here today sharing with them.

Throughout these years and after various experiences, many people encouraged me to put aside my studies, arguing that I could learn all this on the streets, at work, and with friends; Personally, I believe that a lot can be learned from them, however, I consider that not everything is like that, the school has taught me values, having a purpose, moving forward, increasing my knowledge and improving myself as a person and as a professional.

It has helped me to understand that, if I make an effort and above all, I prepare myself with the appropriate means, I can make my dreams come true, and thus reach the goal that I set for myself because that is what it is about, it is not only studying to study and get good grades, but to get tools, methods and understanding, to be able to move forward and achieve our objectives.

Study is not to make life easier for us, life was never, is or will be easy. The study is about being able to acquire what other people offer us, experiences, knowledge, ideas, support, values, and expectations. In life there will always be difficulties and obstacles, it is in one to prepare for what comes, because that is, preparation for a better future.

My dream is to be able to have my own business, I still don’t define what I want it to be, but it is something that really makes me excited since I would be working on something that I feel comfortable with and can enjoy doing. Also, I would like to be a teacher in a school, the fact of helping, explaining, and sharing my knowledge or experiences makes me happy, because I know that not all of us understand things in the same way and that is why I would like to teach.

For this, up to this point I have been able to finish my university studies, which is a huge step that takes me on the path to my dream, I am not saying that with 3 or 4 more steps I will already achieve it, but it is a good first step, one It is very important to clarify, and that first step makes a total difference in many things.

Remember, a first step is essential, a first step distinguishes those who dared everything, those who chose to do and not just say.

That’s why I’m grateful for everything that was given to me, yes, for all that support, darling, and opportunities that they gave me throughout these 3 years.

I sincerely hope that this organization will grow, both scholarship students and sponsors who with great affection and without expecting anything in return, open doors for us through this medium, I remember when we were about 15 people (I think), and now… even tripled.

Today finally, June 25, 2023, I, José F., Bachelor of Business Innovation and Marketing, graduated from the Technological University of Tijuana, Ensenada Academic Unit, give you my most sincere and infinite gratitude to Ms. Norma Hurtado, to the patrons, and everyone involved in this activity, Thank you very much for everything.